about me! :3
hi!! my name's erin (she/her), i'm the person who runs this page!:D I created this website as a sort-of-blog sort-of-review-website, which means i'm kind of like if rate your music was cool. i think now's usually the part where i'm supposed to put a picture of me but i don't want to do that so here's a picrew instead>_< please note that the skin tone is probably not totally accurate. i'm always stuck choosing between a shade thats way too light and a shade thats way too dark

idk what to say about myself now that i'm here lmao...
i'm the college student with the messiest dorm you've ever seen. i won't talk about it much on this website but i'm an avid fan of sperm whales, north atlantic right whales and 18th century whaling ships. i'm an avid hater of the oxford comma (ugh.. it has its uses... i know.... i still don't have to like it.....). i was a little too obsessed with my chemical romance in seventh grade and now i'm gay. over the years i've traveled many genres (not proud of my doom metal phase (or any of my metal phases, for that matter)), most notably emo (check out my emo playlist), metalcore, and idk hyperpop maybe. huge shoutout to fraxiom's feeling cool and normal. i play various instruments but am starting a metalcore band as the vocalist. my favorite band is silverstein, but other favorites of mine include underoath and a skylit drive. i'm a collector of sorts of old band shirts from 2000s bands (i LOVE the genre of band shirt where there's like some big cartoon animal violently murdering smaller cartoon animals and then there's some random metalcore band logo at the top in some crappy font and a really disgusting shade of green). my favorite anime is sailor moon. jupiter is the best sailor guardian hands down. i'll give mercury second and pluto third because see the my chemical romance comment. other favorite characters of mine include rei from evangelion, both momoe and neiru from wonder egg priority, all the gay girls in revolutionary girl utena, and crona from soul eater. if you'll allow me to include american television, i'm in love with rosa from brooklyn nine-nine. she made me gay probably more than mcr did. also shoutout to aubrey plaza in general but specifically as grumpy cat from grumpy cat's worst christmas ever. um, yeah! that's me heheh...
please don't hesitate to contact me for whatever reason! you can friend me on discord at erinbutepic or you can reach me through this google form! my contact information is also in the sidebar of every page! i hope to hear from you:3